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Communications Authority of Kenya Type approval Kenya.

The Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK) is the regulatory authority for the ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) industry in Kenya with responsibilities in telecommunications, e-commerce, broadcasting and postal/courier services regulation and licensing in Kenya.

Mandate of the CAK in Kenya

  1. Managing the country’s frequency spectrum and numbering resources.
  2. Facilitating the development of e-commerce.
  3. Type approving and accepting communications equipment meant for use in the country.
  4. Protecting consumer rights within the communications environment.
  5. Managing competition within the sector to ensure a level playing ground for all players.
  6. Regulating retail and wholesale tariffs for communications services.
  7. Managing the universal access fund to facilitate access to communications services by all in Kenya.
  8. Monitoring the activities of licensees to enforce compliance with the license terms and conditions as well as the law.

Kazi Legal offers you Type approval services Kenya.

Proceedure for CAK Type approval in Kenya.

To apply for Type approval of Information Communication Technology (ICT) equipment, the application should be submitted to the CAK office as follows.

  1. The application shall be done on the prescribed Type Approval Application Form.
  2. Submit to the application form together with the required supporting documents.
  3. Submit a sample of equipment/Instrument model complete with associated accessories and attachments.
  4. Clearly marked: trade name, model number, and serial/IMEI number.
    • Note that the Authority is not obliged to return equipment that has been submitted for type approval purposes as some tests could be destructive.
  5. On receipt of the application docuemnts and samples, the CAK shall check for completeness of the form to ensure it meets the licensing requirements and registers your application as received.
  6. The application and supporting documents shall undergo scrutiny and confirmation that the application complies with all the requirements.
  7. The Authority shall use the laboratory and manufacturer’s test reports and technical documentation to evaluate the equipment submitted for type approval. The Authority has no obligation to return these laboratory test results and technical documentation to the applicant.
  8. If the equipment is found to comply with the mandatory standards and specifications in all respects, a Provisional Type Approval or Authority to Use shall be granted to the applicant as appropriate.
  9. If the application is rejected, the Authority shall inform the applicant.

Requirements for CAK type approval in Kenya.

  1. An application for Type Approval must be made using the CAK Application Form for Type Approval/ Type Acceptance of ICT Equipment
  2. The documents listed below must be submitted together with the Type Approval Application Form:
  3. A letter of Agency from manufacturer or principal distributor.
  4. Sample of equipment/device model, complete with associated accessories and attachments. The Authority is not obliged to return to the applicant, equipment that has been submitted for type approval purposes.
  5. Technical Manuals (Operation, Programming, specifications) in English.
  6. User Manuals in English.
  7. Soft copies of Conformance certificates from a Regulatory Authority or accredited laboratory, Test reports and results from manufacturers or accredited testing laboratories in English.
  8. A valid copy of the applicants CAK License and Compliance certificates
  9. Evidence of payment of the non-refundable Type Approval/Acceptance application fee.
  10. The CAK shall use the laboratory and manufacturer’s test reports and technical documentation to evaluate the equipment submitted for type approval. The Authority has no obligation to return these laboratory test results and technical documentation to the applicant.
  11. If the equipment is found to comply with the mandatory standards and specifications in all respects, a Provisional Type Approval or Authority to Use shall be granted to the applicant as appropriate.
  12. If the application is rejected, the Authority shall inform an applicant.

Equipment that require type approval in Kenya.

Telecommunication and Communication equipment that require Type approval include.

  1. All Mobile cellular devices 3G/4G/5G and future generations
  2. Public Switched Telephone Network equipment including PABX, Fax, telephone handsets.
  3. Radio communication equipment including CB, HF, UHF,VHF, Microwave, Satellite, Broadcast transmitters.
  4. Data equipment Eg, Routers, modems, switches.
  5. Digital Set top boxes (Satellite and Cable)
  6. Etc

Kazi Legal

Offers you a fast, reliable type approval services in Kenya.

RType approval Services, Kenya

CAK services, Kenya.